НАШИ ДОРОГИЕ ПЕРЕВОДЧИКИ- ЭТО РАБОТЁНКА ДЛЯ ВАС!!! Ждём русский вариант. Application for Society Membership
Please complete all sections of this application form and attach relevant materials.
Return to: WSPA, 89 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7TP, UK.
1. Society Details
Full Name of Society:
Contact person:
Mailing address (if different):
Tel Numbers:
Fax Numbers:
E-mail address:
Telephone and contact person outside office hours:
Name: Date Appointed: Date for re-election:
Chief Executive/Managing Director:
2. Society Profile
Date and place Society was founded:
Is your Society officially registered? Yes □ No □
If yes - please provide date of registration and registration number:
If no – have you applied for registration? Yes □ No □ Date of application:
Does your Society produce a policy document? Yes □ No □
Does your Society have a written constitution? Yes □ No □
What are the short-term objectives of your Society?
What are the long-term objectives of your Society?
What are the main activities of your Society?
What issues does your Society work on?
What species of animals does your Society protect?
Does your Society run an animal shelter or sanctuary? Yes □ No □
Does your Society provide veterinary treatments? Yes □ No □
In which geographical area does your Society work?
Locally □ Regionally □ Nationally □ Internationally □
Does your Society have any branches? Yes □ No □
If yes, what are their names and what is your relationship with the branches?
Is your Society a branch of a national organisation? Yes □ No □
If yes, what is its name and what is your relationship with the national organisation?
Are there any other animal welfare groups working in the same geographical area as you? If yes, please name the other groups.
Does your Society have relationships with other animal groups? If so, please name and detail this relationship:
Affiliated to:
Recognised by:
Member of:
Coalition with:
How many members are on your Society’s Board/ Executive Committee?
How are board/committee members elected?
Does your society hold an Annual General Meeting? Yes □ No □
If yes, please provide date of the last meeting:
3. Staff
Who manages your Society, and what is their background?
How many paid employees are employed by your Society?
What are the employees’ roles?
How many volunteers are active in your Society?
What are the volunteers’ roles?
How many vets work as paid employees at your Society?
Are the vets full-time or part-time?
4. Members
Does your Society have members? Yes □ No □
How many members does your Society have?
Do your members pay a subscription? Yes □ No □
If Yes – how much is the subscription?
What are members entitled to?
5. Finance
What is your Society’s latest annual gross income?
Does your Society keep records of income and expenditure? Yes □ No □
Are your accounts independently audited? Yes □ No □
Does your Society have any assets, e.g. owned land, owned office or shelter, vehicles etc?
6. Fundraising
What is your Society’s main sources of income? Please tick those boxes relevant to your main sources of income and estimate its percentage of your total income
Government funding □ Percentage:
Public donation □ Percentage:
Grants from other NGO’s □ Percentage:
Membership subscriptions □ Percentage:
Self-funded □ Percentage:
Other, please describe: □ Percentage:
What are your Society’s main fundraising activities?
Mailing Appeal □
Street fundraising □
Events fundraising □
Requesting legacies □
Grant applications □
Requesting corporate donations □
Other, please describe: □
Does your society have paid staff responsible for fundraising? Yes □ No □
If yes, how many?
Does your Society use professional fundraisers or a marketing company? Yes □ No □
Does your Society have a fundraising strategy? Yes □ No □
If yes, please describe:
7. Publications
Please tick what publications your Society has produced and provide details of the publications, including how often they are produced:
Annual Report □ Details:
Newsletter □ Details:
Magazine □ Details:
Leaflets □ Details:
Reports □ Details:
Other □ Details:
8. External Relations
Does your Society interact with your government? Yes □ No □
If yes, what level of government does your Society interact with:
Municipal City Government □ Regional Government □ Central Government □
Please describe your Society’s general working relationship with local/national government:
Very poor □ Poor □ Acceptable □ Good □ Excellent □
Please explain:
Please describe your Society’s general working relationship with local/national media:
Very poor □ Poor □ Acceptable □ Good □ Excellent □
Please explain:
Is your Society asked for views/comments on animal welfare issues by the media? Yes □ No □
If yes, please describe:
Does your Society have any regular programme slots on TV or radio? Yes □ No □
If yes, what is the content and frequency of the programme?
Is your Society represented on any of the following bodies for animal welfare issues:
Government □
Working groups or National bodies □
Animal welfare or scientific committees □
Other, please describe: □
Does your society use any consultants or experts to support your activities? e.g. lawyer, biologist
9. Shelter/Sanctuary
Does your Society run a shelter/sanctuary? Yes □ No □
If No, go to Question 10.
What species of animals are usually received at your shelter/sanctuary?
What is the main aim of your shelter/sanctuary?
Fostering animals before going to other shelters □
Re-homing centre □
Long-term sanctuary where animals can live out the rest of their natural lives □
Rehabilitation centre where animals stay before being released back into the wild □
Other, please describe: □
What area of land is covered by your shelter/sanctuary?
How many animals was your shelter/sanctuary built for?
Dogs: Cats: Other species:
How many animals are normally housed?
Dogs: Cats: Other species:
How many animals are currently housed?
Dogs: Cats: Other species:
How many animals are received in one year?
Dogs: Cats: Other species:
Where do your animals come from? Please tick appropriate boxes and state the number of animals received in the previous year:
Stray Animals collected by you or your staff □, number received last year:
Stray Animals handed over by local animal catchers □, number received last year:
Owned animals handed over by owner □, number received last year:
Animals confiscated from owner by authorities □, number received last year:
Other, please describe: □, number received last year:
Does your shelter have a contract with the municipality/local government to take in the animals? Yes □ No □
If yes, please describe the contract:
If you house animals in groups, what compatibility criteria do you use? E.g. sex, temperament, natural social groups, interactive behaviour etc.
What is the maximum number of animals housed together in an enclosure?
Do you have an isolation area or quarantine?
What is your quarantine system?
Are animals vaccinated on entry to your shelter/sanctuary?
What is the average length of stay for animals at your shelter/sanctuary?
10. Clinic and Veterinary Treatments
Does your Society run a clinic? Yes □ No □
Does your Society run a mobile clinic? Yes □ No □
Does your Society provide veterinary treatment? Yes □ No □
What species of animals are treated?
Does your Society charge for veterinary treatments?
Yes □ Yes–low cost □ No □ Other □, please describe:
What type of veterinary/clinic treatment does your Society provide:
General Health Check □
Vaccination □
Neutering/Spaying □
Injury treatment □
Other, please describe □
How many animals were treated in the last 12 months?
Are the veterinarians at the clinic:
Full-time Vet □
Part-time Vet □
Volunteer Vet □
Municipal/university Vet □
Technician only □
Other, please describe □
11. SPAY/NEUTER (Sterilisation)
What is your Society’s policy on spaying and neutering?
All animals entering the shelter/sanctuary must be spay/neutered □
Only animals that are to be adopted need to be spay/neutered □
Animals are spay/neutered only when new owners agree to it □
No animals in the shelter are spay/neutered □
Other, please describe: □
Only male animals are spay/neutered □
Only female animals are spay/neutered □
Both sexes are spay/neutered □
Where does the spay/neuter operation take place?
In shelter/sanctuary □
In shelter or sanctuary clinic □
In mobile clinic □
In municipal clinic □
At local veterinary clinic □
Other, please describe: □
Does your Society promote spaying/neutering and if yes how?
Has your Society considered early-age neutering?
If yes, does your Society practise early-age neutering?
In your Society’s view, when is the earliest time to neuter a male dog:
Under 1 month □ 1-3 months □ 3-6 months □ 12 months □ After 1st season □ After 1st litter □
In your Society’s view, when is the earliest time to neuter a female dog:
Under 1 month □ 1-3 months □ 3-6 months □ 12 months □ After 1st season □ After 1st litter □
In your Society’s view, when is the earliest time to neuter a male cat:
Under 1 month □ 1-3 months □ 3-6 months □ 12 months □ After 1st season □ After 1st litter □
In your Society’s view, when is the earliest time to neuter a female cat:
Under 1 month □ 1-3 months □ 3-6 months □ 12 months □ After 1st season □ After 1st litter □
12. Re-homing
What is your Society’s policy on re-homing?
What criteria do you use to decide whether a person can adopt an animal from your shelter?
Does your Society do a home check before or after an animal is adopted? Yes □ No □
Please describe:
Does your shelter/sanctuary promote re-homing as one of your main objectives? Yes □ No □
If yes, please describe how re-homing is promoted?
13. Euthanasia
Does your Society euthanase animals? Yes □ No □
If yes, what are the criteria for euthanasia?
Sickness □ Behavioural problems □ Lack of space in shelter□ Other □, please describe:
Who makes the euthanasia decision for individual animals in your organisation?
Who administers the euthanasia?
Veterinarian □ Shelter Manager □ Kennel Staff □ Staff trained by a vet □ Other □ please describe:
What method of euthanasia do you use? e.g. IV injection, gas mixture
Name the drugs, gas or relevant agent used for euthanasia. e.g. Sodium pentobarbitone, carbon monoxide.
Are animals anaesthetised before euthanasia? Yes □ No □
14. Animal Statistics
Dog Cat Other, please specify
Male Female Male Female
How many animals were received in the shelter/sanctuary in the last year?
How many animals were spay/neutered in the last year?
How many animals were re-homed in the last year?
How many animals were euthanased in the last year?
How many animals in your shelter died through natural causes last year?
15. Campaigns
Does your Society run local, national or international campaigns?
Local □ National □ International □
Does your Society run joint campaigns with other organisations? Yes □ No □
If yes, please give specific examples:
How does your Society set campaign priorities?
Depends on the local situation □
Based on the Board Members’ decision □
Requested by the public or supporters □
Consensus by key staff/volunteers □
Other, please describe: □
Describe any current campaigns your Society is running:
Describe the outcome of your Society’s recent campaigns:
Does your Society lobby to change local/national legislation? Yes □ No □
Describe any lobbying activities your Society is running:
Are there any professional lobbyists for animal welfare in your country? Yes □ No □
If yes, has your Society employed the lobbyists? Yes □ No □
16. Education
Does your Society provide any education materials? Yes □ No □
If yes, what materials do you provide?
If yes, who are the materials targeted at?
Children □ Teenagers □ Adults □ Other □, please describe:
What species of animals do the materials focus on?
Does your Society work with teachers or education professionals for animal welfare education?
Yes □ No □
If yes, please describe:
Where does your Society run educational programmes?
Kindergarten □ Primary School □ High School □ College/University □ Other □, please describe:
17. Membership Details
To be completed by all applicant societies:
Why does your Society want to join the WSPA Global Network? Please tick as many as you want, and rate them in order of urgent need, with 1 representing the most urgently needed.
√ E.g. 1,2,3 etc
To receive WSPA publications and educational materials
To attend WSPA conferences
To receive support for your Society’s campaigns
To undertake joint projects with WSPA
To support or work with other societies in the Network
To join WSPA led “Global Campaigns”
To receive professional advice on animal welfare issues
To receive training from WSPA
To obtain funding
Other, please describe
Membership fees are £50 / ?80 / $80 per annum. Please do not send any payment with your application. You will be asked to pay your fees once your application has been accepted.
After the first year of membership, your Society may be eligible to apply for Voting Status. The annual Voting Membership fee is £250. Extra votes cost £500 each and the maximum number of votes a member society can hold is six.
• Are you prepared to join in WSPA’s campaigns? Yes □ No □
I hereby apply for WSPA Membership status, I agree to ensure that:
• My society accepts WSPA policy and agrees with the principles of WSPA. (Please see the WSPA Policy document.)
• The annual fee will be paid until notice of our intention to withdraw from WSPA has been clearly and officially given.
• I confirm that my society will not carry out any illegal activities against people or properties in pursuance of our aims.
• I confirm that my society will keep WSPA updated of our project and campaign progress.
I enclose:
Copy of our society’s constitution
Copy of official registration paper
Copy of policy document
Copy of annual report, and/or accounts
Statement of the aims of our society
Copy of recent magazine, newsletter, leaflets.
Chart of society structure, if available
Printed Name: Position within Society:
Signature: Date: